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All Saints' National School, Mullingar, Westmeath

News & Activities

Mullingar Musical Allsorts

Our youth choir is predominantly made up of children from the school with some past pupils and some members from the parish.
We perform at church services during the year and we hold a Christmas concert with the Midlands Youth Orchestra early in December.
Our choir was founded in 2009 and we had a fantastic 10 Year Anniversary Concert in December 2019.
We also taken part in the annual Easter Passion Musical which is held on Palm Sunday every year.
We sing a wide range of musical genres from pop songs to country songs and everything in between.
We have approximately 35 members and everybody is welcome to join!

Strings Class
Here at All Saints’ we are lucky enough to be able to provide classes in violin, viola and cello to anybody from 4th class upwards who is interested in learning to play.
We have a bank of approximately 21 instruments and stands and we have an hour long lesson every week with 2 professional music teachers who visit the school.
Our lessons are informal and relaxed and everybody looks forward to their class every week. We are working towards playing together as an ensemble with Irish and Classical music.

Green-Schools is Ireland’s leading environmental management and education programme for schools.

It promotes long-term, whole-school action for the environment. Green-Schools is a student-led programme with involvement from the wider community. The programme is operated and co-ordinated by the Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce (FEE member for Ireland).
All Saints’ National School have worked on and have achieved Green flags for each of the following themes: Litter and Waste, Energy, Water, Travel, Biodiversity, Global Citizenship Litter and Waste, Global Citizenship and Energy. In October 2021, we received our eighth Green Flag for Global Citizenship and the Marine Environment. We are currently working on our ninth Green Flag, which we hope to receive in two years. The theme is Global Citizenship and Travel. Well done to everyone involved and let's all chip in so we can get our ninth flag. Ideas on what we can all do together (both in school and at home) have been posted in our Green School's News.